A blog with a tiny travel dog

Hundertwasser’s funky ‘Waldspirale’ in Darmstadt,  Germany

WHAT: Gazing at the wonderfully weird and colourful 'Waldspirale', a creation of the Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. 

WHEN: Whenever you like!

HOW LONG: You can walk around the building in a couple of minutes. But take your time and spare 15 minutes of your time, especially if you want to see the construction from the opposite street. 

HOW MUCH: The air belongs to us all, so visiting the building on the outside is for free! Unfortunately they closed the restaurant that was on the inside (but check nonetheless if it's open again if you're going - who knows!), so admiring the block on the inside is only possible if you know someone living there in one of the 105 apartments!



Right next to a huge supermarket and in the middle of a very grey residential area on the outskirts of Darmstadt is located a small, colourful fairytale that is beyond imagination. That may sound a little – let’s say – too much and highfalutin, but really, the Waldspirale of Hundertwasser is difficult to grasp. What a mind one must have to create such a building.  

If you’re a fan of the imaginary children book-like creations of Hundertwasser, then for sure you will enjoy experiencing this piece. The Austrian architect hated straight lines and this building (his last one, completed in 2000) is a clear represent of that idea. Moreover, Hundertwasser was a big fan of integrating nature into his designs. Waldspirale means something like a “wooded spiral,” and that’s exactly what it is, since the spiraled building is topped off with a forest on its roof. 

Although the place really is meant for the people living in its 105 apartments and not necessarily for sightseers, it is possible to walk all around. You can even walk right through the middle of it on a pedestrian path. Funny to note while stepping around is that all of the windows have a different shape – how odd is that. 



We were there in mid-winter so therefore the interior gardens were not abundant. To do the place justice I can imagine it’s better to visit the place around spring or summer, when the greenery is in full swing. But nonetheless, if you’re around another time, it’s still worth it doing the detour in my opinion. 

To really appreciate the building, cross the street from the parking lot in front of the supermarket and take the elevator all the way up the opposite building – a tip acquired from a local. It’s free and it will provide you a nice perspective of the creation in its entirety. The picture on top of this article is taken from this spot too. From up here you understand how it’s possible that the amount of trees on the building is the same size as the folks it hosts!

Here’s where to find that weird spectacle! ↓ 


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