A blog with a tiny travel dog


The desolate beauty of the Paracas reserve in  Peru

WHAT: Cruising a part of the Paracas National Reserve – a big desert full of red sand, steep cliffs, fossils and birds WHERE: Near the town of Paracas, 250  km

Islas Ballestas: Peru’s poor man’s Galapagos in  pictures

WHAT: A boat trip to the extraordinary wildlife of the Islas Ballestas. All the boats and routes are the same, with a guide who explains everything in Spanish and  English.

A hike to the stunning secret that is Laguna Hule in Costa  Rica

WHAT: A hike to Laguna Hule  WHERE: Between National Park Braulio Carillo and National Park Juan Castro Blanco, in Los Angeles Sur of Río Cuarto de Grecia, in the Province  of