A blog with a tiny travel dog


21 x cool and cheap things to do in Mexico  City

Mexico City is bigggg and especially if you come from a less populated area (like I did… I arrived straight from the cold and dark forests of Canada), it  can

What to do in the quirky town of Revelstoke,  Canada

The little town of Revelstoke on the edge of the Canadian Rockies is currently standing high on my “I need to move there right now” list. In fact, when I  flick

Things to do in the old center of  Montevideo

Montevideo is a peculiar place. When walking around a capital one would automatically expect lots of noise, hasty people and much traffic. But nothing of all of that in  the

Things to do in  Helsinki

Helsinki; a city surrounded by nature and waterways and known for its design-oriented state of mind and peaceful ambiance. This beating heart of Finland really has a one-of-a-kind character, due  to

Top 4 museums in San José, Costa  Rica

In Central America, most of the capitals aren’t exactly the places to be while vacationing. So it might be logical if you didn’t put San José on your to-do  list.