A blog with a tiny travel dog


My ultimate itinerary for Panama: 10 – 14 days

Panama had never been really high on my ‘want to go to asap’ list, to be honest. Even when I was living in Costa Rica I was more keen on

Stromboli; the lighthouse of the Aeolian Islands

Stromboli is perhaps exactly how you’d imagine a volcano to be; its cone is rising gorgeously, with flumes of lava and a lot of greenery and flowers at its base.

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part III

Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife we

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part I

Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife we