
Best wildlife pictures of Costa Rica
Two years in Costa Rica + an incredible drive for shooting wildlife with a camera equals thousands of sweet pictures. I went through them all once more and picked a

Creatures I found in and around the house in Costa Rica
The thought appeared to me when I was walking around in a large field in Holland… no need in here to be on your guard, like ever! No snakes slithering

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part III
Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife we

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part II
Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife we

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part I
Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife we