A blog with a tiny travel dog


About the Coffee & Flower Festival in Boquete,  Panama

Last Friday I arrived in Panama again, hurray! Contrary to previous visits to the tropical archipelago of Bocas del Toro, this time I was bound to visit the little  mountain

Festa de São João: Porto’s weird hammertime  festival

WHAT: A celebration for Porto’s patron saint, São João, but most of all a perfect excuse for a crazy party WHEN: Every year on the 23rd of June HOW LONG:  When

The Balloonfiesta in 22 pictures PART  II

A photo report of Balloonfiesta 2017 in Albuquerque? – which ended last Sunday with a mass ascension. The festival was just so awesome to experience! The event started some 40  years

The Balloonfiesta in 24 pictures PART  I

A photo report of Balloonfiesta 2017 in Albuquerque? – which ended last Sunday with a mass ascension. The festival was just so awesome to experience! The event started some 40  years

The Whale and Dolphin Festival in  Uvita

(This article was published in The Tico Times, September 16, 2016 ) WHAT: The annual Whale and Dolphin Festival WHERE: Uvita, on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast HOW LONG: The boat tours of  the

PHOTOS: Envision, a transformational festival in Costa  Rica

WHAT: Envision Festival, a so-called transformational festival. Think of Burning Man but than smaller, more focus on yoga, totally ecological and tucked between the sea and jungle. WHERE: Rancho  la