A blog with a tiny travel dog


The Garifuna town of Livingston, I  presume

Some two years ago I visited Guatemala for the first time. I’d seen all the lovely, typical Guatemalan things: the gorgeous volcanoes (perfectly cone-shaped as how a kid would  draw

The dresscode of the Peruvian  altiplano

In the Peruvian High Andes, in every region – and sometimes even in every village –  you can spot another style of clothing. These Quechuan designs and traditions go  back

PHOTOS: Best portraits of the  Caribbean

If there’s one thing that the people on the eastern side of Costa Rica are good at, then it must be organizing parades. It’s incredible how much creativity, rhythm  and

What to do in one day in Cartagena de las  Indias

So you’re planning to go (one day) to Cartagena? Good choice! Whether you’re a history buff, into architecture, or just love cute streets, Cartagena de las Indias is your  absolute