A blog with a tiny travel dog


My favourite spots to eat and drink in Palermo,  BA

I admit, within my one month of staying in Buenos Aires I couldn’t explore all of the restaurants in Palermo. I mean can anyone really, even within a lifetime? Nonetheless

PHOTOS: The best of Buenos  Aires

I’ve lived in Buenos Aires for about a month in May 2018. I didn’t plan to do so, it just happened to be convenient. Honestly the idea of staying  in

7x outdoor and flea markets in Buenos  Aires

After a month in Buenos Aires and my fair share of getting to know the people and their customs, I could tell the porteños really love being treasure hunters. They  appreciate

The adorable old town of Colonia del Sacramento in  Uruguay

The long shadows of autumn were clearly visible at the time of our visit in June in the cutest town of Uruguay: Colonia del Sacramento. This small city along  the

PHOTOS: The best autumn snaps of Buenos  Aires

“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The American Notebooks, 1842”.    I was sticking around Buenos Aires  for

The villages of the Quebrada de Humahuaca in  pictures

Cruising the northern area has been a personal favourite so far in Argentina. At the foothills of the Andes in the province of Jujuy, nearby the deserts of Chile  and

A daytrip to Encarnación in  Paraguay

WHAT: An escape to the country of Paraguay from Argentina WHERE: From Posadas, the capital of the Argentinian region of Misiones to the Encarnación, the capital of the southern  region

The road from Salta via Cachi to Cafayate,  Argentina

From the Argentinian northern colonial pearl that is Salta it’s basically a must to go on a road trip at some point. Both the northern and the southern part are worth  a

What to do and see in colonial Salta,  Argentina

Nicknamed ‘La Linda’ – The Beautiful – Salta has a high reputation to live up to. The city in the northwest of Argentina was founded in 1582 by the  Spanish

A (half)day trip from Salta to San Lorenzo’s cloud  forest

WHAT: Hiking it up to the tranquil pueblo of San Lorenzo and its enormous cloud forest of Quebrada de San Lorenzo WHERE: 10 km north of the colonial town  of

A day of walking around the charming town of Posadas,  Argentina

Sometimes you arrive at a place and it just totally surprises you in a positive sense. Before arriving in Posadas I expected to find an obscure border city in  the

A voyage to “The Mission” of the Jesuit order in San Ignacio,  Argentina

WHAT: A visit to the religious settlement of the Jesuits in San Ignacio WHERE: In the town of San Ignacio – surrounded by dense tropical forests. About an hour away  from