A blog with a tiny travel dog


Climbing Mt. Christoffel: a highlight on  Curaçao

It’s tempting to do really little except chilling during your stay on Curaçao. This Caribbean Antilles island is made for it. However, I’d urge you to get off your  ass

The ultimate guide to Honduras: 10 days  itinerary

Slightly spontaneously we decided to hit Honduras during our trip last November and December. We had heard about the superb diving possibilities around the Bay Islands, which was enough  reason

Cool things to do in Tofino without a  car

Ahhh Tofino. The name itself already sounds so soft and sweet and magical, right? Like some funky candy from a Harry Potter or Roald Dahl book.  Located at ‘the  end

7 x short, snowy and stunning hikes in Banff,  Canada

If you’re visiting Banff during the winter season you can expect some drop-dead gorgeous sceneries. Snowy panoramas are all around. Even though you might be very tempted to stay  inside,

I moose post these long-legged beauties of  Canada

My highlight this year probably has been my solo trip through the west of Canada ??. I did the classic road trip, driving from Vancouver via the ski town  of

Saying hi to the crocs of bioreserve Banco Chinchorro in  Mexico

WHAT: A snorkel and exploration trip in and around Banco Chinchorro, a beautiful atoll WHERE: In front of the small fishing village of Mahahual, in the Quintana Roo region  of

PHOTOS: a visual diary of Cahuita in Costa  Rica

Life in the Caribbean town of Cahuita is slow and though tourism is developing on the eastern shores of Costa Rica, it doesn’t feel like it’s touching upon the  laidback

My best pictures of Haarlem – PART  II

My very best pictures of the last three months in the quaint town of Haarlem. And oh well.. a bit of Zandvoort and Bloemendaal  too.

PHOTOS: The (wild)life of  Tortuguero

In the far north of Costa Rica – on the Caribbean shore – awaits an out of the ordinary, isolated village: Tortuguero. It takes some patience (and a long  boat

The quirky and shuffling elephant seals of  California

Huge and ugly brutes, yet very quirky and funny; that’s how I’d describe the elephant seals in California. Look at their snouts in the pictures and you’ll understand why  they’re

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part  II

Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife  we

Best wildlife pictures of the Galapagos – Part  I

Last May we went ten full days to the Galapagos Islands, an indescribable trip that fulfilled childhood dreams and emptied a big part of the bucket list. The wildlife  we