A blog with a tiny travel dog


A day trip to the quaint town of Pisac,  Peru

Although it’s tempting to remain in the historic, cobblestoned centre of Cusco for days, promise not to forget that the nearby Sacred Valley has a lot to offer too.  So

Condors and cuddling llamas at Cusco’s animal sanctuary in  Peru

WHAT: Visiting the small Santuario Animal de Cochahuasi  WHERE: Peru. 20 km as seen from the Plaza de Armas in Cusco, on the way to Pisac. HOW MUCH: Admission  is

My best pictures of Haarlem – PART  I

My very best pictures of the last three months in the quaint town of Haarlem. And oh well.. a bit of Zandvoort and Bloemendaal  too.

Do good and visit The Ara Project in Manzanillo, Costa  Rica

WHAT: A visit to The Ara Project, an inspiring not-for-profit project intended to save and increase the macaw population in Costa Rica WHERE: On the northern edge of Manzanillo  

A year of volunteering at the Tree of Life in Costa  Rica

Some 16 years ago, the upbeat Dutch Patricia started an educational floral and plant conservatory as well as a habitat for animals in need: Tree of Life, situated on  the

The adventures of my dog in Costa  Rica

Every dog and cat lover probably knows the problem: an overload of ‘dahhwww’ pictures of your four-legged friend in your phone inbox. No need to feel ashamed of that! Since  my

Adopt a dog for a day in  Kauai

Ever since I was born I’ve been surrounded by dogs. They’re still by far my most favourite animals in the world and therefore I was longing to have one  for

The Sloth on  Sunday

For the lazy Sunday, every week you’ll find in this column a new photo of a sloth spotted in Central and Latin America. Click on the sloth for more information – for  another