A blog with a tiny travel dog

The miradors along the red rock gorge of Cafayate,  Argentina

Yesterday I wrote a piece about the superb road from Salta via Cachi and Cafayate. Though there would be no shame in returning the same way, there’s another (and way better in terms of time and smoothness) road to take to Salta and it goes for a large part through a marvellous, red sandstone gorge. If you’re a fan a colourful vistas just like me, make your way to this carved canyon located in the Calchaquíes Valley that is known by two names: Quebrada del Cafayate or Quebrada de Las Conchas. You won’t regret it!

Before you know it you see oases of cabernet or malbec shimmering in the distance.

If you’re in an active mood you might even opt to to the quebrada on a bike. But beware, as the road is long and the dry climate in the area can easily overheat you. The lush vineyards of Cafayate (and it’s quenching wine) suddenly are far away once you make it to the gorge. Before you know it you see oases of cabernet or malbec shimmering in the distance.

It’s probably best to go by car to the quebrada as that’ll allow you extra time at every stop. In total you need some 3 hours to get from Cafayate to Salta, but try to build in some extra time and remind yourself to stop in order to take photos. Seriously; with every corner you turn, there’s another stunning view ahead. Another tip from my side would be go there a little before sunset, when the light begins to soften and you’ll experience so many more colours inside the gorge.

Beneath I’ll show you what you can see where – enjoy hopping around from mirador to mirador!



Two gorgeous panoramas along the road. This first bit up to the gorge is full of wild horses and vineyards.



Las Ventanas:



View from Mirador El Obelisco:



Just a stop in the middle of Las Conchas, because.. look at it!:



Mirador Tres Cruces:



En Anfiteatro. We even saw a fox in here! This was the only spot were a payment was required as far as we experienced. 



Garganta del Diablo – unlike the last one, this gorge you can enter for free :). This was the last mirador on the way to Salta, but that shouldn’t stop you from breaking along the way! Enjoy!



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