An account of the weirdest creatures I’ve encountered in the forests, the jungle and in my own house of Costa Rica the last two years. Curious and curiouser. Click on the pictures to see what incredible freaks of nature you’re looking at!
A tiny poison dart frog. They come in many form, but this one is in my view the weirdest. Seen in CahuitaTaeniopoda reticulata or purple grasshopper. They come every year around April. I can still remember the first I encountered; they are enormous. Currently our garden is swarming with them. They don't do nothing really, except for chilling and eating leafs. Here's one drinking; funny enough it's even holding the heliconia flower firmly. Seen at home in LimónAn anteater, a very cute and special mammal. Snapped in CahuitaWe found this yellow spider in the jungle of La Amistad. Our guide had not seen such a thing before either I've absolutely no idea what this creature is. It looks a bit like a chameleon, but different. Its eyes were alien like scary. Found in the forest somewhere behind DominicalSince its head looks like a snake it was a bit of a scary moment when we encountered this enormous frog in Manzanillo. Later when I showed the picture to a guide he said it was a bull frog, but I'm not sureThe blue crab. Found in Cahuita National ParkAlright, so caterpillars aren't that special, but this fellow was just enormous. I think some 25 centimetersThis insect has disguised itself as a leaf, smart!Ahh yes a sloth. But aren't those three toed ones weird? I mean look at it!A treesnake, a very gorgeous and curious fellowThe purple grasshopper again, couldn't resistA lizard this time; but a very remarkable one. It's body is toned with different kinds of greenAnother caterpillar; with its furry back it looks a bit like a piece of mossLizards; not very special, but some of them are just so so tiny! This one for example. Caught at home in LimónLook at that face! Seen in Cahuita National ParkI nominated this crab for the list since they only have one big claw, the other one is tiny, so strange A yellow pitviper, very pretty and poisonous at the same time. Found in ManzanilloPufferfish. Found this fish in the Bahia de Salina on the beach. Another glass like animal. This dragonfly was spotted in CorcovadoThose little dragons. I've seen so many iguanas in Costa Rica, but this one was the most interesting of them all. Seen in Rio CuartoAgain not so special you'd think perhaps. But this creature was about 20 centimeters, so quite scary! Seen in San VitoBit of a lousy picture, but look at those 'looking through' wings. Found in La FortunaHermit crabs. Seen in ManzanilloAnother weird bug. Seen in CorcovadoThese are the most beautiful lizards, with a very blue tail. Seen in CahuitaThe fattest lizard ever. Found in Valle de DotaAnother pufferfish on the beachAnother yellowish spiderDragonfly with gorgeous wings
A few months ago I made a fun discovery; I found out that four of my pictures had gotten published in children’s books! I’m still selling pictures via Shutterstock,but
The long days of January are finally over and clearly everyone was suffering from the blue month blues, as my website álmost hit the 25.000 viewers (24.351 to beexact).
Here comes the article of an expert as I’ve already crossed the Costa Rican – Panamanian border in Sixaola thirteen times (as far as my memory can count!). Atleast