A blog with a tiny travel dog
Salkantay trekking

DRONE ALERT! The epic Salkantay trek to Machu  Picchu

Get ready for this once in a lifetime trip! We joined Salkantay Trekking for a 4-day hike along the 51 km / 31 miles of the Camino de Salkantay: a perfect  trekking

How to experience a rocket launch, in French-Guiana!

WHAT: Watching how a rocket (oh my gosh!!) is launched into the orbit ? WHERE: On a hill, the Carapa launch observation deck, near the space center of Kourou,  a

My photos got published… in a travel  book!

Last spring publisher Gestalten approached me for hiking photos in the States. Eventually they bought seven pieces and published those in this pretty ‘Wanderlust USA’ book; an eye-pleasing coffeetable  item

DRONE ALERT! The desolate beauty of Paracas and the Islas Ballestas in  Peru

Hi everyone! Yes it has been a while (a couple of months in fact.. I’ve been busy with my new job in the Netherlands – and some travels in  between

Exploring the mighty Brownsberg jungle in  Suriname

WHAT: A hike in the humid jungle on top of the famous Brownsberg WHERE: Brownsberg Nature Park, on the edge of the giant Brokopondo lake in Suriname HOW LONG:  You’ll

PHOTOS: All the Harry Potter feels in  Cambridge

Gothic chapels, dining halls with endless tables, cobblestoned streets, old-fashioned sweet shops, students in gowns (I visited the city in the beginning of July during the graduation ceremonies)… apart  from

What to do in Saint Laurent du Maroni, French  Guiana

Ever heard of The Guiana’s? They are the far lesser known countries of Latin America, situated all the way in the upper eastern corner of the continent. Divided geographically  and

How to explore Berlin with a  dog

Well helleuw dog lover! This article is for you, especially if you’re planning on a visit to Berlin with your pooch.  As I said in this photo gallery of  Chapo

PHOTOS: Doggo’s adventures in  Berlin

I’ve had some fabulous days with Chapo in Berlin last week. Although the weather wasn’t as springlike as we’d hoped for, we were able to walk half of Berlin  during

My ultimate itinerary for Panama: 10 – 14  days

Panama had never been really high on my ‘want to go to asap’ list, to be honest. Even when I was living in Costa Rica I was more keen  on

Crossing borders: Suriname – French  Guiana

Here comes a bit of a practical piece. The Guyana’s (the three countries in the north eastern corner of South America) are an absolute off the beaten path destination.  I

A how to: cycling in and around Paramaribo in  Suriname

In addition to my recent photo gallery about the mañana mañana vibes of Paramaribo, today I want to share my #1 day trip in the capital of Suriname: cycling  in