A blog with a tiny travel dog


My 10 best viewed articles of  2019

The long days of January are finally over and clearly everyone was suffering from the blue month blues, as my website álmost hit the 25.000 viewers (24.351 to be  exact).

2018: a year in the  life

As I’m writing this article I’m seeing all sorts of pictures flowing by on my social media feed with happy new years’ wishes, champagne, selfies and the like.. all  the

PHOTOS: The 18 of  ’18

Yesss the time has come.. these are the days for the end-of-the-year lists. And a word of gratitude. Our previous years in the tropics were already quite amazing, but this  year

Things to do in Grand Teton  NP

In addition to my previous best wildlife photos of Grand Teton I’d like to share the things that I think (after thorough research, talking with various rangers and a  stay

A 4-day itinerary to the wonders of Yellowstone

No matter where you go, animals, waterfalls and geysers are all around in Yellowstone. Established as the world’s first national park in 1872, Yellowstone is home to over 2  millions

PHOTOS: The wilderness of Grand  Teton

Leaving the many wonders of Yellowstone behind, we decided to stay another three days at its southern neighbour: Grand Teton National Park. Compared to Yellowstone this national park –  wrapped

The geysers of Yellowstone: where to  go

“There is frequently heard a loud noise like thunder, which makes the earth tremble”… Explorer William Clark made it pretty clear in his journal some 200 years ago: the  lands

PHOTOS: Where the wild things are in Yellowstone (Part  II)

As the human population is growing worldwide and the rates of wildlife are dropping because of that, it’s just refreshing to see that it can be the other way  around

PHOTOS: Where the wild things are in Yellowstone (Part  I)

As the human population is growing worldwide and the rates of wildlife are dropping because of that, it’s just refreshing to see that it can be the other way  around

A close encounter with Wyoming’s weirdest rock: the Devils  Tower

I’d seen a picture of Devil Tower a couple of years ago and this basically had been my main association with Wyoming ever since. I didn’t even knew Wyo  (as