A blog with a tiny travel dog

South  Dakota

2018: a year in the  life

As I’m writing this article I’m seeing all sorts of pictures flowing by on my social media feed with happy new years’ wishes, champagne, selfies and the like.. all  the

A road trip through South Dakota: the 3-day  guide

From Colorado we drove for hours and hours and miles and miles up north through the Interstellar-like dusty grain fields of Wyoming – all the way to South Dakota.  “Have

Wind Cave National Park: the underbelly of South  Dakota

As you drive through the large, open grass prairies of South Dakota, you wouldn’t expect to find yourself above one of the most mazed caves in the world. Nevertheless,  right

A day around South Dakota’s rugged Badlands National  Park

From Colorado we drove for hours and hours and miles and miles up north through the Interstellar-like dusty grain fields of Wyoming. Until – suddenly – the dramatic landscapes  of

Crazy Horse Memorial: an insane piece of work in South  Dakota

After the construction of Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, the chief of the Lakota tribe, Standing Bear, asked one of the sculptors who worked on the landmark to make another  memorial,

The ultimate all-American trip: a visit to Mt.  Rushmore

“This is the best day of my life!” shouted a ten-year-or-so old boy as the four icons started to appear, preparing us for another day of getting up close  to