A blog with a tiny travel dog


2018: a year in the  life

As I’m writing this article I’m seeing all sorts of pictures flowing by on my social media feed with happy new years’ wishes, champagne, selfies and the like.. all  the

PHOTOS: The 18 of  ’18

Yesss the time has come.. these are the days for the end-of-the-year lists. And a word of gratitude. Our previous years in the tropics were already quite amazing, but this  year

24 hours in Boulder: here’s where to  go

Heading out to Boulder in Colorado? Splendid choice. Boulder is like the Colorado version of San Francisco – home to green gurus, an innovating tech scene and outdoor climbing  heroes.

48 hours in Rocky Mountain NP: the ultimate  itinerary

Got inspired to visit Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado after seeing these wildlife and nature photos? Since there are so many trails (350 miles in total!) and stops  to

Cruising the Trail Ridge road of Rocky Mountain  NP

If you’ve only got one day, or aren’t in the mood for hiking, but you would like to get a superb glimpse of Rocky Mountain National Park you just  háve

My best (wildlife) pictures of Rocky Mountain National  Park

“Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountains”, wrote William Shakespeare. And though he obviously didn’t refer at all to those majestic peaks of Colorado, peaceful it is  indeed

(Outdoor) things to do in Fort Collins,  Colorado

I like American small towns – they just teach you how to slowww down. With its 150.000 people you wouldn’t necessarily think Fort Collins could be considered as one,  but