
How to get from Punta Gorda (BLZ) to Livingston (GUAT)
For some kind of reason it was very difficult to find out how to get into Guatemala from the south side of Belize. I even met some folks that just

8 x cool spots to eat and chill in Hopkins, Belize
Stretched along a 7 km / 4.3 mile strip, the teenytiny town of Hopkins in the middle of Belize makes for an excellent stop if you either want to explore

Pictures of ‘the caye you can drive to’ Placencia, Belize
I don’t know what it is about small towns on small islands, but I just love them. Maybe it’s because their isolated location just gives you a pleasant and sane

Cockscomb Reserve: welcome to the jungle of Belize
WHAT: A hike through the Belizean jungle of the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (almost named Jaguar Reserve) WHERE: The sanctuary is located right in the middle of Belize. The reserve

About the day I went to a Mayan herbal healer in Belize
When in I was staying in Hopkins I had a conversation with an expat regarding the different mosquito diseases in the Caribbean. She told me she suffered herself from chikungunya some

The low-key life of Hopkins, Belize
If you’re travelling along the coast in Belize, the teenytiny village of Hopkins is a great town to take a little breath in between the bigger tourist hubs of Caye

Lazy island vibes at Caye Caulker, Belize
I have the feeling people either hate or love Caye Caulker, a Caribbean island smack right in the Caribbean sea in front of Belize. “So Kristel” you might think, “an

Cheap eats in Caye Caulker, Belize
If you come from either Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala and are planning to hop into Belize you should really brace yourself; the prices of food in Belize can come as

PHOTOS: Garifuna Settlement Day in Belize
The great thing about travelling without a plan is that there are just so many surprises along the way. This was absolutely the case in Belize. I wasn’t really planning

How to get to Caye Caulker from Mexico
So you’re looking for ways to get from Mexico to Caye Caulker in Belize? You got quite some options… great right?! I looked a bit online and asked around and